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forevercloud3000 said:
No they are not. Playstation has never been a system defined by just a few games. It is the multitude of variety that makes it such a great platform. So while the XBOX has its Halo and Gears, Playstation has its wide selection that appeal to a very differing fanbases(Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, God of War, Little Big Planet, Grand Turismo, Motorstorm, Warhawk, Wipeout, Twisted Metal, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Valkyria Chronicles, etc)


And this is why people always say PS3 exclusives flop. It was never a brand built on 1 game like XBox and Halo, so its exclusives dont have that massive following. Nintendo built Mario into a brand, as well as the Zelda franchise. MS did the same with Halo and Gears. Sony never really did that with any franchise to where it had an extremely rabid group of fans that large. The closest they have come is MGS, GTA (before they lost exclusivity), and Gran Turismo. I believe if GTA4 wasnt on 360 it would have outsold Halo 3 first week and LTD. Its the only franchise right now that has as much exposure as Mario and Halo.


If you owned an XBox or bought a 360 early in the life cycle, you probably did it for Halo and only Halo. Everything else was the icing on the cake. With the PS1 and PS2, there were many games that grouped together sold the machine. I dont say this hatefully, but all I hear from fans (not fanboys) of the 360 is Halo and Gears most of the time. And maybe some of the exclusive RPGs. As far as exclusives go anyway. Meanwhile, ask a Sony fan (again, not fanboy) what they like this gen and you get Killzone, Uncharted, LBP, Resistance, Valkyria Chronicles, MGS4.....There's just a longer list of exclusives that pulled fans in. The 360 has been getting it done with mostly multiplat games thus far.

I am a gamer. Not a fanboy, not a troll, a gamer. So when you dont like what I have to say, remember this fact.