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sieanr said:


Because it has moments like this


That actually highlights what I hate about Halo 3/Quake/UT.  That last highlight where the guy gets 2 triple kills with a rocket launcher on 3 guys who just respawned.  Halo/Quake/UT are all based around weapon/power up control.  Get the weapons for your team, and deny them to the enemy.  It's a type of gameplay that I just don't like.  It's probably why I never got into Gears of War as well.

I'm a huge CS fan though, and to a lesser extent, a Rainbow 6: Rogue Spear/Ravenshield fan.  I prefer starting with the gun of my choosing, spawning in a safe location with my teammates and then going to seek and eliminate the enemy or go after the objective.  Just my preferred gameplay style.  And it's what I like about Killzone 2.  You start out in a freaking base guarded by sentry bots.  And unless your team is extremely bad, or royally f-ups, you will always be safe when you respawn.  Even when playing team deathmatch.

The above reason is probably why I stopped playing COD4 after a while.  It's stupid to get killed almost instantly after spawning because you happened to spawn right in front of someone on the other team.  There's almost nothing you can do about that.

I still don't know if Killzone 2 is going to join CS and Rainbow 6 as my favorite multiplayer games of all time, but it's probably my favorite console multiplayer game so far.  Although it has more than it's share of flaws, it still manages to be a lot of fun.