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Since Wii's launch it was said by Nintendo that a DVD player Wii model was being considered. Till now we keep having no news about it.

So, my idea is that Nintendo will announce the Wii Plus.


Wii Plus, primary by that fact that Wii Motion Plus is coming. In form of a bundled hardware and already built in a new Wii Remote model (my thoughts). And there's also Wii Fit Plus rumours. So everything now will be plus.


So the new Wii Plus model should have this features and bundles:


- DVD movies playback hability

- 2 Gb internal flash memory

- No Gamecube ports. Backwards compatibility still possible thanks to Classic Controller

- HDMI 720p output - not for games, but for AVI HD playback capability and better display of Opera 2.0 browser for Wii which got announced and then delayed, aswell other multimedia porpuses like video on demand which will arrive Japan this year.

- Thinner model, with no fan due to 65 nm rumoured processor - slightly powerfull to handle HD features flawlessly

- Wireless sensor bar.

- Front LED always on and sound flashing response

- Included Wiimote Plus (already motion plus enabled) with wireless Nunchuk

- Wii Sports Resort bundled

- Pricetag will remain the same at 249€/$

- Boot screen to feature Chuck Norris performing double round house kick


Launch date: Q4 2009


Current Wii model to have a pricedrop for 199€/$  and then get discontinued at the end of 09's fiscal year.

