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Rath said:
Kasz216 said:
If you can't figure out why though scifiboy... it boils down to one thing.

Progressive Taxation = Treating people differently.

Just like Rocketpig illustrated earlier in the thread.

You don't want to treat everyone equal.

You've just decided that "Rich vs Poor" is the group status you are attaching. With rich being the group you are attacking/predjudiced against.

If you truley believe humans can get to an eglatarian utopia everyone must be treated equally... and that means equally.

Things like Universal Healthcare can happen, but they've got to happen as a result of the community working for the common good. Not a small part of it that's easy to pick on.

You could argue that in order for humans to get to an egalitarian utopia would require a breaking down of class barriers and the rich-poor divide being removed. Progressive taxation is a mechanism that does those things.

So while progressive taxation goes against the principle of egalitarianism it may be a step towards an egalitarian society, as strange as that is.

@Strategyking. We should be grateful that we have our rights, but that doesn't stop them being rights.


That's the Authortarian part.

It's also wrong.

As the people being taxed at a higher percentage will largely feel put opon... as they are being put opon... and the poor are taught the rich are greedy etc.  Hence people who make more money and are taxed progressivly are bad etc.

It also places central focus on the government to get things done so people look to the government to handle things, rather then everyone working for the good of the common man.

Instead, everyone works... and the government takes care of the common man.

This can be seen by the fact that more conservative people give more to charity.

If you were a starving person in the street, you would be more likely to get money to buy yourself something to eat from Dick Cheney then you would Al Gore... and that's saying something considering one of Dick Cheney's past times is shooting people in the face.

Progressive taxation never leads to the Utopian state because the people constantly need to lean on the government to make things right.  People never reach a stage where they actually believe everyone should be treated equal... instead it's just one group picking on another group to get what they want.  It's no different then anything else.

The true step right before an Utopian society that he's longing for is one in which the government exists... but it's taxes are paid soley by donation.  Such a society needs people willing to think of others nearly as much as themselves.  Such a society can not be gotten to by forceful means or unfair means as everyone will develop resentments.