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SciFiBoy said:
Kasz216 said:

Except Progressive Taxation actually does the exact opposite.

The basis of any Utopion society is an enlightened people.

Progressive Taxation retards the sense of good will being the responsibility of the person and places the burden on the state.

As such, people would never get to the state where they beleive that the rich should give more for the common good.  Instead the view that the government should take more from the rich for the common good prevails.   A very different and very important distinction.

For an egalitarian utopia to work... the rich need to give more, not have more taken from them since the ultimate goal would be to mimimize government because everyone would belive this.

The rise of authortarain socialism was in response to the belief that the rich would never become enlightened.  Which seems to be a view you hold, yet claim to not be an authortarian liberal.

Marx however would of never forseen capitalism, upward mobility and just how generous people have gotten since. 

People are on the right steps towards it... but progressive taxation and your attempts to force your ideals through govenrment and forcing on a minority of the majority rather then true ideal and change through enlightenment.

In reality you would be more likely to create a dystopia.

The belief that people can grow into what would be needed to form a true utopia needs to allow for people to grow into those people.  Trying to force the matter can't work.


oh i think you misunderstand, im thinking of a Utopia were money doesent exist (as we have technology that provides everything we need) im not an authoritarian either btw (as ive said like a million times, but you never listen)

Yeah that is an eglitarian utopia.  Progressive taxation is the opposite of this.  It gets in the way of this kind of process coming to place.  If you would read my post you should understand why.

Eglitaran Utopia's are founed on enlightened people.  Progressive taxation would consistantly go against such enlightenment and as such people will always feel put opon by the government and other people and you would never have everyone at the same state.

Progressive taxation promotes social dividing rather then helps to eliminate it.

You claim to not be an authrotarian socialist but Progressive taxation is the tool of one

A non authortiarian socalist would use a flat tax to get his views done while trying to change peoples opinions and ideas on money to get everyone to roughly donate the same amount.


Basically your plan is to create a Dystopia to hold the world over for a Utopia... which would never come because of the Dystopia.

Enlightened people can't come about if you remove the path of enlightenement.

People would only reach the Utopia you want under a system that takes care of peoples needs with a flat tax.

Otherwise a decently sized segmenet of the richer and more talented will feel persecuted against and maintain a hording mentality, as will a poorer group who feel like they are "owed" this by anyone who gets a cooler job... or the job they wanted.

Afterall don't you think some of the people in the maintence department on star trek would rather be Captains?