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akuma587 said:

2) Striving for some kind of utopia. I certainly don't think this is an ignoble thing to do. I mean we should always be striving towards something in society. A person's life isn't worth very much if they have no goals, let alone a society that hs no goals. But a true utopia is impossible, and in reality can be a terrible thing. One person's utopia is another person's nightmare. And human nature isn't lofty enough I hate to admit to really achieve any kind of utopia. But that doesn't mean that things cannot get better. And it also doesn't mean that things cannot get worse.


Long post for page 16 :p

Glad you spent the time to include all your views.. however I was mainly requesting that you comment on what you think about SiFiBoy's position. The part I quoted here seems to be just that.

I am glad you posed the rest, to demonstrate to him that you and I think very differently, yet the passage above we think exactly the same (and completely against his future world view).

SiFiBoy might look at me as nothing but an advisory with nothing I say having any merit strictly because it came out of my mouth, and my goals to be nothing more then argumentative. In reality, I want him to realize the world is not as he sees it, and the sooner he realizes it, the better he will be.

I think the passage above, coming from you and not me, hopefully has more of an impact.

Thanks for taking the time.