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oliminator1994 said:


I would reccomend Resistance. It is one of these games that you could take your time with and gradually complete it all. There is a lot of playing with the game. Yes the MP is far better than the SP. The SP is enjoyable non the less. I would reccomend it over Killzone purly because ive almost completed the MP side of it and ive played with 25 hours i would presume alot of people completed everything in MP in probably less than 10 hours if there good. Resistance will take much longer 10k kills top level in all the coop modes and completing it on legandary or w/e its called will be a very long task i presume and anyway it is very enjoyable.


EDIT:  dont get any single player only games or games with a short online. Resistance2 has slmost as many things to get as warhak and you could play that solidly for a year and not get the platenum as you will proabably know

Your post is really making me want R2. Now, a question - is it easy to get the co-op trophies? Cause I hate games where you have to get it and people leave halfway through it.