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Strategyking92 said:
SciFiBoy said:
Strategyking92 said:

No. A person does not necessarily have to have education and Healthcare to survive. They are not rights. They are not necessary for a person to live a normal life.




what a load of shite, so a normal life is one of illness and ignorance? people like you make me sick


So without your "rights" you would be a disfigured, stupid person?

I won't think so. History proves you wrong in so many ways.

Humans have been around for about 100,000 years (?)

Well, I won't how they survived without their own healthcare and education.  All they needed to do was to know how to survive.

Do you have education in the UK, because I am detecting some ignorance.


history? you mean when we died before 40 and live in poverty or work in workhouses or have slaves or we had dictators in the form of monarchs? history says we need to progress to live longer and happier lives, looking to history for a solution wont work here, we must look to the future, thats why they call the tax system i want PROGRESSIVE.

of course i have had an education, mine included PROPER history lessons, clearly yours did not, if you are dumb enough to think things were better when we had no rights and died before 40.

ignorance? hmm, i dont think so, i know that things were MUCH worse in the past, you choose to ignore that though.

P.S - i wasnt gonna post here again, but i had to respond to that highly offensive and stupid post.