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*~Onna76~* said:
hayeya_k said:
@ onna76

this is my theory: Tri-ace wanted to make Starocean on Ps3 and 360 (cause they're used to release games on sony consoles),, Square enix said no due to their agreements with microsoft (or maybe delay the ps3 version),,, Tri-ace got mad from the sales of SO4 and decided to collaborate with Sega , as simple as that ,,,

Also a very good theory, either way, its a huge surprise that Tri Ace puts its game for the very, very first time in the hands of another publisher. I like it though, no matter what reason, but it sure shows they want the game multi platform both on the PS3 and 360 and not only on the 360. At least I don't have to fear the game will be postponed on the PS3 due to some pathetic excuses or the entire game being canned. Maybe getting independent from SE for a change is a good thing, except for the Dragon Quest DS remakes which wasn't even made by SE and therefore are amazing, I see nothing but disasters coming from out of the hands of SE.

WOT??!! The director is the one who was responsible for VPS?? Ow yeah!

@Dark Requim, wow that bad? I really like SOIII, but they really must have screwed up that game then. I hear nothing but bad things about it. And yes, you're right, with a few exceptions, like FFXII (wow only real good thing about that game was the voice over cast), SE has lousy voice over casts. Only have to mention English voice of Yuna and Tidus and I start to shiver.

@EagleEyes, depending on the release in the US. A good thing the PS3 is region free then

Everyone head over to this thread. I got some new scans for ToV.

Also here are some scans for End of Eternity

This game is going to be awesome.