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Updated: SamIR smith has entered the game

19 naznatips

13 BenKenobi88
13 stof
13 Dolla Dolla
13 Onna76
13 RolStoppable

11 DonWii
11 Bodhesatva
11 lolita
11 Erik Aston
11 omgwtfbbq
11 superchunk
11 TheSource
10 mitsuhide
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 Fazz
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Rath
10 Sam Ir Smith
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 your mother
10 shams
10 super_etecoon

9 tabsina
9 Final-Fan
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 tiachopvutru
9 witeoutking

8 HappySqurriel
8 albionus
8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece
8 Joeykanga
8 Ari_Gold
8 mrstickball
7 john lucas
7 routsounmanman
7 nintendo_fanboy
6 ArtofAngels
6 sieanr
5 ssj12
3 dgm6780 -


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku
5. leo-j
6. Kwaad
7. gebx
9. dtewi
10. The Living Shadow

Rules: Add 1 point (+) to a person, deduct 1 point (-) from 2 different persons.
Maximum votes: 3 times a day.
Note: You can also cast up to three votes at once.
You can still nominate yourself (and only yourself), you start with 10 points
Copy and paste this list with your changes in each post.

Why not add me on msn...

- - - > ¤ « ~ N i n t e n d o ~ » ¤ < - - -
Games purchased since December 30th 2006:
GBA:The Legend of Zelda:The Minish Cap
DS:Lunar Knights, Pokemon Diamond, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass ,Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Hotel Dusk:Room 215, Mario vs DK 2: March of the Mini's and Picross DS
PS2: Devil May Cry 3:Dante's Awakening, Shadow of the Colosuss, Sega Mega Drive Collection, XIII , Sonic Mega Collection,Fifa 08 and Fifa 09.
GC:Fight Night Round 2
Wii VC:Super Mario 64 ,Lylat Wars ,Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, Super Castlevania IV, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Streets of Rage, Kirby's Adventure, Super Metroid, Super Mario Bros. 3, Mega Man 2Street Fighter 2 Turbo: Hyper Fighting,Wave Race 64 and Lost Winds

Wii: Sonic and the Secret Rings, Godfather:Blackhand Edition, Red Steel, Tony Hawks Downhill Jam, Eledees, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Mario Strikers Charged Football,Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Mario Galaxy,House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return, Wii Fit, No More Heroes and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

X360: Spider Man
Resistance: Fall of Man