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DISCLAIMER: This is really just a response to wii fans and really doesn't reflect any opinion I have per se. I am happy with what I have, and I think a lot of people are. There will always be discrepancies so please keep "I think the OP is alone in thinking this" to yourself because a lot of it applies different groups and unfortunately for such a broad audience, broad definitions had to be used.


We "hardcore" gaming audience are very much the definition of the word. We eat sleep and talk about video games. We look up games that are coming out and we pine over special features. We have lots and lots of experience. We've played hundreds of games to completion and we've critisized all of them.

This game lacks story
This game gets boring in the longer areas
The level up system in this one is obnoxious
The Ai in this game is overly difficult and cheap
Character design in this one is terrible

We've said 'em all. But what we've said the most is some variation of:
"I'd rather be playing ________"

So, of course you cannot fault us in bashing the wii, or any game for that matter. If we don't like it, we will trash it. Wii fans will notice of course as well as most of us, that HD games almost never get bashed unless we give them cause. Wii owners don't make threads saying "why I hate Super stardust/Braid" or "Why I hate Valkyria Chronicles/viva pinata" or even "why I hate HD games". This is because many wii owners don't care unless we shove it down their throat with hype (which really needs to go btw). So of course you will see hate on games like Halo, mgs, killzone, fable and the like.

On the other hand, you will see "why i hate casual games" or "why i hate the wii" pretty often.

The problem, is because of the success of the wii. Us HD owners, though maybe a little upset about sales, care infinitely more about our games, and here's the rub: The wii threatens that.

The point is made over and over and over again. "The wii doesn't appeal to me" However, the wii is doing amazingly well, constantly growing and about to displace gaming as we HD fans know it. Wii owners don't understand it but there is a fundamental clash in game library taste between the wii and the HD consoles. I know that I would not be happy with the lineup, and I know many others here feel the same way. We get that you like your games and we get that those games are fun for you.

The way we, or at least I see it, is that the success of the wii is going to take games off of our menu. We don't want devs pulling projects off the HD consoles in favor of a more viable platform. We think those games will dissappear. Even if they do not disappear, and simply just appear on the wii we are hesitant to buy the wii because to us it represents a step back. Our tastes have been evolving and they have become distinguished, and devs these days have really taken the hint. I don't think hardcore game fans like us have ever been as inundated with great games. I haven't been able to critisize many games lately because so many are getting it right.

I don't want that to end... and the wii threatens this.

EDIT: I also blame wii fit