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TruckOSaurus said:
twesterm said:
TruckOSaurus said:

While I agree with the games you listed, I would never say games are a better platform for storytelling than movies. The sole purpose of a movie is to tell you a story while a game has to focus on other things which makes it impossible to be as involving as a movie.


You can become just as ingrossed in characters in games as you can a book or movie. You can even become more attached to a game character since you're the one controlling it.

I've yet to encounter a game that made me feel the way I felt when I saw Andy Dufresne's escape in Shawshank's Redemption or when you see the citizens marching on Parliament in V for Vendetta.


I have. Many of us have.  Stop playing Pac-Man for a while , and try something with some depth.  Shawshank and V are both classics, but so is the ending of FFVII:CC and the scene in FF7 when Aeris dies. That was more emotional than just staring at a movie screen. The sole purpose of most movies is to entertain - the story often takes a back seat to explosions and other special effects.  That's why I always like the book better.

BTW: best scene in V is the look Portman under the bed as they drag away her friend. incredible.


Trying to convince me the Wii is a real adult game machine 'if you play it right' is like trying to convince me Tofu tastes great 'if you just cook it right'