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donathos said:
SciFiBoy said:
TheRealMafoo said:
SciFiBoy said:

so, poor people should be denied basic rights because rich people are greedy and wont give them any help?

you give up some of your income (a more than fair amount if you live in the UK or US, id argue that the rich in both nations are awfully undertaxed) in order to give thoose less fortunate than you the same rights you enjoy, like education or healthcare.

No, poor people, thanks to having the same rights as rich people, have the opportunity to earn an income that affords them a better standard of living. the average wage in the UK is 22k a year, no wear near enough to pay for private healthcare and education

Of course in your world there would be no rich people to pay for the poor, as you think no one should make more then 100k, so why are you arguing with me? humanitys ultimate goal should be Utopia imo, see: Earth in Star Trek

I was poor, and now I am not. I got here by taking advantage of my rights, not by just taking. Wrong, you are LUCKY enough that people are willing to pay you enough that you can afford private healthcare and education


I understand wanting the world to be a perfect place--Utopia.  I'd like that, too.

However, I think we have to be very careful when it comes to achieving it by taking people's rights away and/or making them do the things you think they should do. im not taking there rights, im taking there spare/extra money, seems fair to me, if you read my posts, you know that im against taking most other rights away

It seems to me, according to my limited knowledge of history, that people have tried this a few times now, and it hasn't quite worked out like we've wanted... read what i wrote above, it has not been done before, at least not in the way im suggesting, also, the fact it hasnt worked before does not garuntee that it wont work in the future, look at science, the first time we try and cure a disease, we often fail, but we refine our work and try again till we get it right.