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This probably won't come out like I intend it to.  In fact, I'd probably be well-advised not to write anything at all.  But I'm not a smart man, so...

I think pride is a wonderful, healthy thing.  However, I think it's important to take pride in the right things.  Take pride in doing your best to be a good person.  Take pride in trying to be a blessing to those around you; a benefit to the world.  Take pride in trying to have an open mind, in doing your best to attain knowledge and understanding.

I am sure that all of these things are true about you, and you should justly take pride in them.

But I don't recommend taking pride in "being a liberal," just as I don't take particular pride in any of the specific beliefs I have.  Being a liberal doesn't make a person a good person.  And, should you ever decide that any part of your political/philosophical beliefs are wrong, you'll need to be able to cast them off without doing harm to your self-image.  Instead, you should have pride in that part of you that could reject your liberalism, if you ever found that you had been mistaken--your intellecutal honesty.  If your pride is about your liberalism, instead, you might find doing such a thing impossible...

Maybe what you're really saying is that you aren't afraid to speak your mind, or admit what you really think about things, despite the possible censure of others.  And that is something to be proud of.  But such courage doesn't have anything to do with the specific contents of your beliefs.