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akuma587 said:
largedarryl said:
Domo-Kun said:
What freedoms do liberals want to supress

I'm a liberal, and agree with Mafoo.  The only difference in the 2 party US spectrum is both parties have different ideas behind what right they want to restrict.

Left wingers restrict right by forcing Catholic churches to marry gay and lesbian couples, something I am opposed to (not the gay/lesbian marriage part).  I'm sure I could come up with many more, but maybe we should clarify what countries government we are discussing because these detailed issues vary from country to country.


This is blatant misrepresentation.  No church has ever been forced to marry a gay couple.  Liberals might like it if churches would recognize these marriages, but they aren't forcing them to.  And I would like you to show me evidence that they have attempted to force them to do so on any kind of organized basis.

Marriage can take place completely outside a church and no one is forcing churches to recognize gay marriage.  Marriage is a civil institution as much or more as it is a religious institution.



 What's funny about this, is somehow the tables got turned from "allowing gays to get married" to "the Catholic church is being repressed by being forced into marrying people that they don't want to."


I still haven't seen any evidence or clear examples that liberals suppress the rights of anybody.

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce