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That will be no issue at all, the game will easily sell 5 million WW at absolute worst. Some games can have such development times and $$$ spent because they know the game will make the money back easily ala GT5........also something in the development went wrong. :/

I am more interested in where FFXIV goes, Kitase did say that making console RPG's costs have become extremely high so that most probably means these two games are the last ones the HD twins will get. That is unless the costs for the next FF game would decrease dramatically since the engine has been made but the problem with that is that the engine is multi-plat.

Interesting either way however the one thing I would like to see is both FFXIII and Versus to sell very nicely. Also those saying FFXIII will sell anywhere under 2 million in Japan need a slap across the face. It's been 3 years people FFXIII is a lock on to sell at least 2 million.