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Chrizum said:
I don't own a 360, but I do own a PS3 (and a Wii).

I can only say: go for the 360 UNLESS you absolutely love Killzone 2, Resistance or Uncharted. 360 has a lot more games, a lot more exclusives, has better multiplatform games and is cheaper.

PS3 is a better multimedia system but lacks the games.

Totally agree with Chrizum,

I own a 360 (59 retail games and 19 live arcade games, 78 games in total) and PS3 (9 retail games, 5 PSN games, 14 games in total) and I play my 360 each and every day without fail, the PS3 I use once or twice a month and tend to get bored pretty quickly, My PS3 was a gift before I got my 360, I would NOT have bought one out of my own money as I feel it offers far less than the 360 at a much higher price,

For price get a 360, for games selection get a 360, for multiplatform games get a 360, for online get a 360, for achievements in every single game (not crappy trophies in a small amount of games) get a 360, for custom music/chat/video chat in EVERY game get a 360, for blu ray movies get a PS3, want exclusives? get a 360 or PS3 (I prefer 360 exclusives but others prefer PS3's super hyped exclusives that tend to disappoint for some bizarre reason),


All in all it's very much your choice, your best seeing what exclusives each system offers that take your fancy then go from there....