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Bokal said:
Rpruett said:

Game types you enjoy (Shooters, RPGs, Sports)?  -  Both systems provide an equally enjoyable experience. IMHO.

Price - The 360 simply gives you a lower entry cost, although it may result in a higher end cost depending on your usage. The 360 still provides a best price to someone on a budget.

Value - The PS3 simply gives you the most bang for your buck.  Depending on your tastes though (Blu-Ray, Need for Wireless, etc), it may not be for you.  Still the PS3 provides someone the most advanced piece of hardware package at a reasonable price.

Reliability -  The PS3 simply is the more reliable system.  Although the 360 has supposedly improved on this.  Between RRODs and other issues (Many that aren't covered under warranties) it's easy to give the PS3 a nod.    (For example, my 360s disc tray broke and wouldn't read discs anymore. In order to get it repaired, it would cost me $110 as it wasn't covered under the warranty).

Upcoming game releases?  - This is where your opinion kicks in.  Personally,  I think the PS3 has a far better, more diverse,  future lineup at this point and for the foreseeable future. (God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2, MAG, New Ratchet and Clank, etc).  But this category is the most personal opinion based one of the bunch.  So just take a look yourself.


Great post!


That is so PS3 biased... lol

It feels like reading an official Sony PR...


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.