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g-value said:
@ errorrrr and Xxain

Does a story need to be "epic" in order for it to be good? The only tales game i saw as epic was ToV and i loved ToA's storyline and never thought it was epic at all.

If you read my post, I HAVE NEVER said the story to be "NOT" good. In fact, i SPECIFICALLY said the story WAS GOOD. I enjoy Dynasty Warrios and its 1000 spinoff... I think I am the LAST person to say a jRPG's story NOT GOOD.

What I am saying that the game doesn't bring anything NEW. It doesn't bring any revolution to the jRPG genre, thus it was not a game of epic porportion...

It's like people in 3rd world country first time eating McDonalds. It's really unique and fresh to them, and really good, but to us, who see it corporate logo everyday and probably visited there more than once... it's not really anything unique or "epic"...

What I mean by "Epic" is not to say the story needs to be Shakesperean tragedy or anything like that but, it could have an "epic" interface, "epic" battle, or anything that JUST STANDS out...

Tales of achieve everything except "Standing Out" from the rest of the crowd.