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Harkins1721 said:
g-value said:
errorrrr said:
Tales game has never been good about story... in all seriousness, each Tales of game have like their catch "word" to describe it like Vesperia has something like "Justice" RPG or something... it's rather cliched...

Tales of game has always been fast pace action to me similar to StarOcean... I would like to say Tales of game is something like Dynasty Warriors of RPG. I know I am going to offend some people as DW has been deemed as pretty low game in NA, but it's VERY popular in Japan just like Tales of games are.

Tales of Vesperia takes the theme "Justice" to a whole new level because of a certain character. Anyways if you feel like the tales games don't bring good stories thats fine. I feel some bring great stories (Tales of Vesperia and Tales of the Abyss) and some bring bad stories (Tales of Symphonia) so it is understandable you feel that way. Have you played Vesperia?


Please dont go into this again!!!! THE STORY WAS EPIC! How was it predictable? I thought the story was awesome. Because the word Justice is used so many times and Lloyd hates how its used all the time then he understands the true meaning of it towards the end of the game.


This is not the thread for this so imma leave it alone.