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MikeB said:
@ kamekazai

Xbox was more powerful than ps3 but lost.

You probably meant to say PS2. Both platforms had their technological strongpoints. Power isn't the only factor, games have to build on this potential. The PS2 is a far stronger gaming platform than the XBox was, which was often looked at as a lowend cutdown PC (not as a powerful device).

The most important aspects when it comes down to systems selling are timing, pricing and games.

Agreed, and specifications. For instance the 60GB PS3 greatly outsold the cheaper 20 GB version.

The truth of the matter is that from a profit and market share currently the Wii is dominating

It's called: "Making an investment into the future". The PS3 wasn't designed to make a profit its firts year, Sony looks at the device for the long run.

I am glad Nintendo is making healthy profits and I hope they multiply their amount of employees accordingly. Currently they have a tiny workforce, with Sony employing over 54 times as many people.

Nintendo is the only company making a profit on ever system, something microsoft just started doing and that sony still isn't.

Do you have any proof with regard to this?

Microsoft claimed to shareholders they would be making a profit last fiscal year. Only the last minute did they inform their shareholders about the mass failing XBox 360 hardware, something we already knew since launch. This devision lost a grand total of 1.9 Billion USD! So multiple times the loss of Sony's gaming devision for the XBox 360's second year on the market!

One thing I noticed was how lots of people say give sony time and wait till there games start hitting, but your biggest games are still far behind Halo in terms of selling power. Halo as a francise is the single highest grossing entertainment francise.

Both Gran Turismo and Final Fantasy games have outsold Halo games. And Sony doesn't depend on a single francise, they have multiple and together with their partner create many new francises (some more successful than others) as they have done with Motorstorm, Resistance Fall of Man, Lair and soon Uncharted for the PS3.

Looking at the list of PS3 games to be released, it certianly doesn't lack in the game varierty department. The XBox and XBox 360 games library is pretty much dominated by 3D shooters. The PS2 wasn't well equipped to fully address this gerne, but the PS3 is.

In regards to profits, I was refering to per console sales not over divisions. Last I heard Sony was losing money per system and microsoft just started making money per system.

In regards to PS3 being developed as a long term console, then I wonder what was sony thinking. One of their major advantages in the last 2 generation was being first to the table, which gives a huge advantage. Was it worth it to through that advantage out just so you could push you propiertary format?

The other problem with the "long-term design" is that it only works if in the long term nothing better come out. What happens if 4 years from now as the ps3 picks up steam, then blam a new system drops which at that time would have significantly more powerful hardware. Sony has been touting the system as a 10 year system, which as the playstation 2 shows is possible, the problem was power wasn't what made it possible which is all sony appears to care about with ths design.


In regards to game lineups I think both systems are diverse, both have shooters, racers, rpgs, etc. In fact this generation is alot more even than last in terms of both systems having diversity thus the only things that will break the mold are big titles and ports (and which system they play better on.)