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MontanaHatchet said:

Understatement of the century? I could have said that it flat out sucks, but I haven't played a Silent Hill game lately and I was just going by your impressions. Konami is making great profits considering that the companies you mentioned (Capcom and Square-Enix) aren't doing so well. Capcom is losing money, while Square-Enix's financials couldn't possibly be from games if they're in the black. You claimed that Konami was part of a trio of Japanese companies that has fallen from grace and will soon face doom, and all I pointed out was that Konami is making money. Metal Gear Solid 4 was a successful game, but the profits of one game won't sustain a major company like Konami by itself. Just look at how Take 2 faired even after the release of Grand Theft Auto IV, or Electronics Arts after the flurry of holiday hits like Madden and Fifa. And I'm not trying to convince anyone otherwise. You're convinced that gaming is doomed and that various third parties will collapse and that gaming is no longer fun, and it's all so negative. Just play some games, enjoy them, and discuss them with others. Lots of people are having fun this generation, and a lot of great games are coming out. It varies between people of course, but since the majority of people who have responded disagreed with you, I have to wonder.

I could even understand all the negativity, but the main problem I have with your post is all of the insults. The way you insult Xbox fans, not to mention calling out other posters. And you're saying that I'm the one making belittling attacks? Let me pull out of a few quotes for you:

"It's primarily gamers who wouldn't be gaming today had the Xbox not lured them back with promises of Spike-TV style violence and hyper masculenity. Guns, guts and glory are the standard of the day and if a game doesn't feature a thick necked male archetype for them to project themselves upon or a sexy scantily clad woman for them to drule over then the game is almost certainly doomed to failure."

Sounds like an attack to me. If you were looking to stereotype an entire console's userbase (the userbase of the original Xbox being about 24 million), than you certainly succeeded in that regard.

"Also, in before Okey Dokey's hit and run trolling (lol), Stof's "Oh god, there goes Onimusha12 again, sigh..." or Ari Gold's trademark: "Nothing on the Wii interests me." ;)"

Well...that one is just shameless. And you actually say you're not attacking people who disagree? You just attacked me in your post because I disagreed with you. As for "people like me," which I assume refers to the many millions capable of having fun this generation, we are mad since you basically insulted anyone who has different tastes. Although I hate to speak for everyone, it seems you just lump us damn content gamers into one group. Painting the Xbox fanbase as a bunch of mindless frat boys is not the way to get people to listen to your argument. And if you're wondering why I don't just ignore this thread, well...why not just ignore everything? I'd love to live in ignorance and just ignore everything I don't like and everything I disagree with, but it's just not my style. Maybe you should ignore everything you're saying right now. Is that so hard? As for the 800 pound gorilla, I understand the expression, but your use of it is questionable.


Ah but aren't you're the one who gives Okey Dokey free reign to troll any Nintendo game page he likes on the game database while defending the PS3 pages from any malcontents. Hehe.

There's nothing wrong with people who dissagree with me, just people like Okey Dokey who are notorious for making hit and run trolling comments that fall just within the bounds of acceptability (or are such that certain mods are willing to turn a  blind eye) are not good for any discussion. And let's not forget his tendency to show up in my threads habitually with said hit and run attacks, heck you need look no further than my wall comments to see his trolling at its finest. If he wants to dissagree with me that's fine, but his behavior is something I don't feel I need tolerate. My only qualm with Stoff is that he mitigates beyod the issue of opinion, he's a great mod otherwise and I've no other issues with his behavior or how he does his job, in fact I wish we had more mods like him.

And I haven't insulted anyone, at least not intentionally. There are problems, notable trends and issues with the primary demographics of every console, simply pretending they don't exist or can't be used for the sake of comparison is just short sighted. I appologize though if my use of such was in poor taste though. I suppose you would call it an insult to Wii owners if I was to point out the obvious trend of older non-gamers driving the console's sales.

Though honestly if my "insults", as you call them, were really your issue with my thread that would have been your first adressed concern not the focus of this trailing rebutal. For as big a deal as you make out of it, it's somewhat odd you wait so long to make any mention of them. If you don't enjoy the discussion, then perhaps ignorng it would be for the best. I assure you I meant no insult to anyone, I really can't imagine why this thread bothers you so much when no one else found insult in my original post.

And how can Capcom be doing poorly financially when an excellent game like RE5 just came out, they should be swimming in cash right now like Konami. ;)

Anyway, back on topic.

I appreciate all the contributions to the discussion. Its seems many people are quite content with things as they are which is good and I certainly hope I don't come across as too much of a downer in my doom and gloom speak. Still the ills of the Industry are always an interesting discussion to be had.

I'm glad to see so many that agree or at least partially sympathize with my sentiments. Seems their responses are typically longer and more explanitory, though I guess that goes without saying as to present such a view you'd have to explain yourself. Those expressing contentment with the industry have no obligation to explain themselves especially when they seem to be the majority.

I do wonder what will happen to Eastern developers that are finding it harder and harder to adapt to this Xbox cultivated western market. Mind you, that's not to insult the xbox, but there is no denying the 360 has set the pace for mainstream gaming this generation with Sony following suit trying to emulate their strategy of Western Gaming. Mind you we also can't blame the Xbox brand for this dilemma either as these Eastern developers have been suffering their own ills inspite of the industry for quite a while now. Their failure to maintain quality coupled with the shift in market focus is what has doomed their current efforts.

I wish I could say the Wii would in anyway solve things but I honestly wonder if its sublime genius or blind stuborness that drives Nintendo half the time. Their inability to expand to new genres seems to be an insurmountable hurdle and unlike Microsoft or Sony they seem utterly incapable of building a competant harem of second party developers to supplement their console. The power of HD gaming to make even the most mediocre of games sell would have been a windfall for the Wii with all its sub-average games, but they must reap what they sew.

Though I do have to take into consideration what someone said, "If you don't like the way gaming is, get a new hobby." Lol. Did it ever occur to them that it is my love for gaming that compels me to criticise it so? But they might be right in that what good is it asking a forum full of gamers who wouldn't be here if they weren't happy with the way gaming was what they think about it. What an interesting thought, it certainly gives context to the opinions here now doesn't it.

Ah but pay no mind to such ramblings, I still love reading what everyone has to say, remember, your own happiness is what's important. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're wrong for liking something.