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I agree with him...  Books > Movies > Videogames

for the most part video game story telling it bad.  It's just that the bar has been set so low for the genre, that anything halfway decent is considered "great."  So many of them are filled with cliches or just not very good imo

Very few videogames have stories I'd consider great.

Anyway, here are the ones I thought stood out:

System Shock 2
Grim Fandango
Baldur's Gate II
Deus Ex
Planescape Tourment

7th gen:
Mass Effect

6th gen: 
KoTOR (although I think we consider it great becasue it was better than the terrible new Trilogy)
Beyond Good & Evil
Shadow of the Collossus
Suikoden III
Final Fantasy X

5th gen:
Resident Evil (in a charmnig "B" movie kind of way)
Suikoden II

4th gen:
Chrono Trigger
Super Metroid (although it's really just the same of the first)

3rd gen:
Kid Icarus