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Well at the end of the day there alot of things wrong here, so many people are trying to show how big there E-penis is that they forgot that at the end of the day power doesn't make systems sell.

Xbox was more powerful than ps3 but lost.

Also Mike starting sales don't mean jack either.

Dreamcast had a record breaking launch but still lost.

The most important aspects when it comes down to systems selling are timing, pricing and games. The truth of the matter is that from a profit and market share currently the Wii is dominating, not only has it sold more that the 360 n half the time but Nintendo is the only company making a profit on ever system, something microsoft just started doing and that sony still isn't.

One thing I noticed was how lots of people say give sony time and wait till there games start hitting, but your biggest games are still far behind Halo in terms of selling power. Halo as a francise is the single highest grossing entertainment francise. Thus it means that sony's big AA titles are still climbing and uphill battle.