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VGhippy said:


I'm writing this in response to several threads that have cropped up in the past few days involving people going gaga over the ps3 outselling the Wii by a couple of thousand for the last couple of weeks in Japan. My response is.... the ps3 is outselling the Wii because the Wii has won in Japan. There are now nearly 'eight million' Wii's in Japan which could be one of the main reasons for the slowdown in Wii sales. Oversaturation.

8 million really isn't enough to claim oversaturation. I mean the DS has sold over 26 million and it still crushes the Wii in sales every week. As does the PSP which has almost sold 12 million. Granted this just illustrates Japan's shift towards handhelds, but even the PS2 is still selling 5k more than 2 years into this generation (and that is with nearly 23 million already sold).

Anyways, a few weeks of being outsold doesn't mean the Wii won't win this gen, but it does seem that it is more reliant on new software than in the US where it could probably still smash the PS3/360 with just Wii Fit/Mario Kart.