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I called Nintendo on the 3/27 (Wednesday) got my shipping stuff on the 3/30 (Saturday) but didn't go pick it up until 4/1/07 (Sunday) then I sent it on 4/2/07 (Monday), Nintendo got it on 4/5/07 (Thursday) and sent it back to UPS on 4/6/07 (Friday) but because of good Friday UPS didn't start shipping it back until 4/9/07(Monday) and I should get it on 4/11/07(Wednesday). It took 14 days.




If I seem a bit cranky it's cause my Wii is getting repaired:                   

3/28/07 Called Nintendo, now waiting on Nintendo's Shipping label to send it off!                                                                                              

3/29/07 Still Waiting.......................................................................Nothing!

3/30/07 Still Waiting..................It was at my house but I couldn't go get it!

4/1/07 Got my shipping label sending it to Nintendo by UPS tommorrow!

4/2/07 At work waiting to leave............................................sent my Wii off!

4/3/07  Waiting's supposed to take 3-4 days to come back.

4/4/07  Waiting again.......................................................................Nothing!

4/5/07  Checked UPS tracking Nintendo got my Wii at 7:09amEST this morning!

4/6/07-4/8/07 Weekend Nothing happened just Waiting...................!

4/9/07 Nintendo gave UPS my Wii on 4/6/07 but because of the weekend it gets sent back today. ETA by UPS is 4/11/07!

4/11/07 It's out in the UPS truck headed for my house and I'm at work!

Looks like mancandy and superchunk may be right: Prediction League: Alacrist's Wii Repair!