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MikeB said:
@ elendar

Anyways, MikeB I do think the ps3 is in serious trouble. Its in a very similar position that the dream cast was in vs the ... PS2.

I don't think so, many important games are under development for the PS3. The PS3 is selling about as fast as the XBox 360 did last year at a higher entry price, this with its most anticipated games yet to be released. The PS3 is certainly outperforming the Dreamcast (US launch price $199!).

I think many people like to exaggerate.

Why is pricing important, well first some research to back up my theory:

1. Men aged 18-49 play lots of video games.
2. Lots of people own consoles.
3. A lot of people watch American Idol.
4. Women play video games too!
5. A lot of kids play on the Wii, and they mostly play when they get
back from school.
6. Gamers who play on the 360 and PS3 -- they tend to be older -- play
in the evening.
7. Gamers are mostly playing on the PS2.
8. Gamers are getting interested in next-gen gaming.

9. The most played PC game is World of Warcraft.
10. After stating that the heaviest gamers play an average of 10 hours a week, Mr. Herrmann explained that he would rather use that time for

If I were a parent I would rather buy my kid a PS2 or a Nintendo Wii for christmas, although I could easily afford a PS3 I think 600 Euros is too much as a kid's birthday present or chirstmas gift. I would wait until a cheaper slimline product is released. If I would have two or more kid's buying each a 600 Euro console would certainly be out of the question, they would have to learn to share. Buying two PS2s at this point wouldn't make me feel as if I would spoil my kids too much.

The PS3 IMO is currently geared towards more mature gamers and of course the market will widen with future price drops. Currently I rather consider the PS3 to be a high tech electronics device, rather than a cheap toy.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales