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@ elendar

And Sony is no Sega or Commodore:

When it comes to considering what console to buy, Sony's Jack Tretton would like to remind you that PS3 is going to be alive and kicking for many, many years to come. PlayStation 3 is "future proof", he recently told PC World.

Take that, Sega Dreamcast!

"The original PlayStation lasted ten years -- a tremendous innovation when other platforms died and were all but forgotten," he explained. "The same thing is going on with the PS2, and I think that will be the case with the PS3."

The man certainly has a point. We're seven years into PS2 now, and sales for both hardware and games are mucho both impressive for a console introduced in 2000.

"I don't think we expected nor we need to capture the lifecycle of the PS3 in the first nine months. We want to build evangelists, one consumer at a time, and it involves sacrificing in the short term before paying off in the long term," Tretton concluded.

IMO the PS3's hardware specifications will remain very impressive for a long time to come.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales