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It's not over priced for what you get. It's the only HD movie capable console. When you add in just a few basic peripherals necessary for full online usage and just 'one' full year of online service, buying a controller charge kit, it amounts to essentially
something like $20 extra to get a PS3 with Blu-Ray instead?

The choice is obvious. How many 360 games would you feasibly miss out on if you didn't own a 360? But instead had a solid PC/PS3/Wii? Only a few and most of the 'best' games I would still have the ability to play. If I didn't own a PS3, I would have missed out on every PS3 exclusive this generation. (LBP, KZ2, MGS4, GT5, GoWIII, Uncharted, Uncharted II, etc).

So, HD movie playing capability, Free Online (Which across a lifespan of a console easily adds hundreds of dollars to the bottomline and requires other accessories to the cheapest 360 model in order to fully enjoy.), Most 'High Quality' Exclusive games ONLY available by owning a PS3, Included WiFi (Just in case I'm with my PS3 in a location without a pure wired connection.) and lastly, far more reliable than the 360.

Is the PS3 worth it? If you look at the big picture? Definitely.

If you're one of those people who don't have a decent PC, don't care at all about movies (Maybe don't own an HD movie to care about these movies?), don't need wireless and don't care to download or play against people online? Then the PS3 probably isn't for you at all.