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Ok, first of all, im not a fanboy, but then again, I dont own a PS3.

Its not that i dont want to or that i dont like what it has to offer, but I think in some areas that are very important to me Sony failed.

First the price, its cheaper and I know that the PS3 has more to offer, but i dont use wifi since its unreliable in lots of cases and when you are competitive about your online play then you dont want wifi problems. I dont use a BR player since i stream all my hd movies from pc to my popcornhour.

Second the online gaming, lots of people say PSN is for free, and thats nice and all, but the experience just isnt the same. Its not as streamlined and communicating is something that doenst happen that much.

third, the games. Both consoles have an excellent line up that i wouldnt want to miss. I dont like mgs that much, but killzone en lbp look awesome. Yet I find myself out of time for all the xbox exclusives and multiplats, so why bother buying a ps3 if you dont have enough time to play all the great xbox titles.

The last argument is for me probably the best. Especcially since 400 bucks is a lot, even for a working (teaching in high school) person like me.

Another argument is probably that most of my friends (the gaming types, about 15) have an xbox360 and I only know one person with a ps3 and I dont know the guy really that well.