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@ Darc Requiem

One is dedicated to the OS and one is disabled to increase yields. That is setting aside the fact that another can be pulled away at anytime by the OS as it has priority.

I just learned that this rumour regarding a second SPE is complete bogus:

"Originally Posted by mckmas8808

Phil that part was MADE UP. Understand that article was created from conversations here at B3D. Nobody here (developer wise) has ever said that a second SPE will be used for special OS calls. That job would go to the first and only SPE reserved for the O.S."

"Indeed. There has never been talk about second SPE for OS.
Incidently a similar heated debate is raging at the sony's private developer forums. Recently the OS 'cost' was officially confirmed so people are understandably a bit upset."

So, if you encounter XBox 360 fans spreading such and other rumours, let's try to keep misinformation to a minimum, so consumers can make better educated purchase decisions!

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales