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jjseth said:
-Edge- said:
leo-j said:
Psp slim or light watever you call it came out already O_O

Nobody knows about it since they dont advertise.

Cuz then even a wii sports addict would know sony did it again and copied Nintendo.




Wait, you mean that Nintendo was the first company to come out with a "slim" version of a game machine (handheld or console)?

*recalls a couple Sony game systems that had a "slim" version*

 It's not a copy in releasing a redesign.  If you are thinking that way then man you are already way off track.  If this is a copy it is a copy for market hype and advertising.  It's obvious Sony wants to reenact the success that DS had after a newer version of that handheld was released.  Thus they take similar aspects that the DS revision had and market it off with a similar name, ect and you have an exact replica of an event that occured previously on a competiting product.  With this in hoping that the same sales increase will happen and virtually feed off the same hype and good sales that the competitor had.  

This is most likely what Sony was thinking when they decided to redesign the PSP.  It was all about this copy of marketing and advertising to ultimately gain what the DS lite gained for Nintendo and its handheld generation.  I'm not saying it's wrong, unfair, cheap, or sly but I can say that that this redesign was under those precepts.  You see this happen a lot in the market.  Namely after you see a succesful series in a specific genre you'll then see "same games with new names" arise.  After Halo this happened a lot in the market.  I think Killzone is the most obvious as Sony simply stated that is what it was.  Can't get any easier.

For that same idea above you saw it after Nintenod released Brain Training.  Can't look in the Japan weekly sales without seeing market copies.  Saw it after Nintendo released Pokemon.  I think things like Digimon is a good example.  Not everything is a deliberate outright copy of what physically it is.  Mostly it's a copy to feed off the market hype surrounding what a previous and similar product has done.