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Dragonos said:
vlad321 said:

-Predetermine stats, you no longer get to allocate them yourself.

from what i understand, the D3 team is figuring out what to do about this. the reason why they do this is so that they can expect certain stats out of a character by the time it reaches a certain point in the game - and no, this does not mean you cant wear anything you want anymore either - gear has no stat requirement now. one of the things i've heard of was a character rune system - where its something like you have 7-9 slots in your character screen that you can manipulate with runes to change certain stats. but i dont know much about that, or if its even gonig to be in the final build.

also - another reason why the auto-stats was considered was to stop people from breaking their chars without knowing what to do. on the other hand, with the charms of D2:LOD and the newer rune words, there was no actual point to the stat system. it was allways "Get enough strength/dex for your gear, never touch energy, and dump everything in vitality", since your gear or charms provided all the attack rating / mana you could need. you cant honestly think like a game designer and think "i made all this great stuff, and yet no one uses. how awesome!" now can you? though that last sentence is my own speculation.

direct responces above in red.

I didn't know this about D3 and I'm not sure if I like it.

Diablo to me was an action RPG - you decide how to build your character. If I want to "break" my character and make a Tankazon then I should be able to.

I'll still get the game and will probably like (or get used to) all the changes, but this stats thing does distrub me.