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I don't know if this means anything, but I'm a PC gamer who waited till now to jump into the current gen console market. My choice? PS3. Yah, it's 400$, but I got a 50$ giftcard from Gamestop when I purchased it, basically giving me a free game. There are other deals out there that allow you to buy PS3's from 300$ and up. You just have to look.

The 360 is just cheap looking and feeling. I hate the controller which is very clumsily designed IMO, and the games that are on both systems have (IMO) huge graphical differences. The PS3 just shows itself to be a much better overall entertainment system.

I never owned a PS2 or XBOX during their time either. I was a Gamecube boy.

The Halo francise is the most overrated bland game to ever hit the console market. It provides a bad name to all FPS that even showed effort at creating an original entertaining plot.

I probably have more ps3 games than you :/