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Avalach21 said:
tombi123 said:
Username2324 said:
im_sneaky said:
He should get life in prison.

If you think about it, life in prison is really a waste of everything.

It's a waste of tax money, it's a waste of property space. It's not all that much of a punishment, the individual is basically told "Hey, you did something horrendous, here's a free bed, and free meals for the rest of your life, it may not be glamorous, but it's FREE!"

Don't even get me started on the multiple life sentencings.... I mean what the hell, if they did something so bad you sentence them to 2 life terms why not just put a bullet in their head.

Prisons are a drain on everything.



Life in prison costs less then the death penalty.

i've seen this thrown around in the thread a couple times now.  I'm not disagreeing, but i'm curious and would like to learn more.  Do you have a link?


To consider a case for death penalty means it has to move up to the higher courts where the judges and lawyers get paid wayy too much, and like I said there are all kinds of hoops to jump through. It's all because pro-life people have made it so damn difficult