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i said it before, all sports games (including football) are great on the wii, better than the other consoles. if you really like sports games (i love em and am a football whore) then there is no way you cant prefer the new sports games on the wii. there has to be a longing for something more than just move analog stick and press button. its great.

 first person shooters in my opinion hullass on the wii. i guess many dont like the idea of looking by pointing the... pointer. but i reallly like it. and it makes sense. think about the FPS you have played. how many of them have auto-aim? (if the middle sight thing in that you have little control over is near a guy, itll automatically move over them) i bet all of them. name some that dont. (there is probably some, but very extremely few) exactly. why do they have auto aim? becuase there is no way with 2 analog sticks you can have one be control of forward and backward movement, along with strafing, and have the other be in control of turning and looking up and down WHILE ALSO BE IN CHARGE OF AIMING WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING SPECIAL. in all those FPS you must hold a button to make it so you can manually aim. not with the wiimote pointer. you can look left and right, up and down, and aim at the same time without thinking twice about it. i know many say it does not work well. ill tell you why it doesnt, because that person is not used to getting the pointer on the screen. once you get a little practice and expirience, you can easily without thinking or trying, and without delay get the pointer on the screen for any game. once you can (which really doesnt take much practice) then you will see looking by aiming the pointer works just as well as an analog and feels very natural (to point where you want to llook). there will be no unrealistic auto aim in any future wii FPS guaranteed, yet itll be easy to aim than ever before. the pointer is your face. you point it where you want to look and where you want to aim simultaneously. without thinking twice about it. just point and shoot. (kind of like... real life?)

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.