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I'd like to see your evidence about the increased propability of attempted rapes when playing raping games.
And even more evidence about how killing games is different.

What you are suggesting, is limiting the freedom of people to decide by themselves whether the content fits them. Considering that you have 4 years old brother that plays Heavenly Sword, the limiting argument is compelety justified. If the ones that are given the freedom to choose what they want to play, don't have the responsibility of keeping the content out of people that the content doesn't fit, it's the responsibility of the instance, that has the power, to limit the content out of irresponsible people.

Your whole argument is about you not liking the consept of the game and therefore should be banned. The excact same basis like the one of Jack Thompson and other flowerhats.
These flowerhats aren't also willing to take the responsibility of their actions, which is when everything should be controlled from outside, when something happens, it's always the fault of someone else than the individual and the someone is the one that sets these limits (which automatically leads to a solution of setting more limitations). For example the arguments against guns base themselves on a mindset where people shouldn't have any responsibity about how to use them.

As for using the law as a justification, laws do reflect the state of society, but (and especially because of) they don't reflect what is right or wrong or ethical, since they essentially are only democratic decisions about what people want to allow and what not to allow. They have nothing to do with moral or what's right or wrong.

There are 6,5 billion people in the world that already have ways to rape and kill people.

The justification of killing is only in your head. You think that once a term is fulfilled, it justifies you kill someone. Now, if we turn this justification into rape, you can justify rape using the same method. Just because you think raping isn't justified, doesn't mean that other people couldn't come up with justification and just because you think you have a justification to kill someone, doesn't mean a rapist could think a justification for it.














I don't have any evidence to proove that some one who desires to rape will be more influenced to do so when playing interactive rape games , I thought it would only be logical and some what self evident . Similarly to people who desire to kill and are inspired or influence to kill through violent games , we're using our logic to determine this .

My whole argument is not about not disliking the concept of rape , I refuse to accept that  . My whole argument is about means and ends  , killing is in my eyes no more justified than rape ; my point is the context and the application of both crimes. This rape game is rape for the sake of rape , you couldn't even have a rape game that aimed at some useful end.

I'm not trying to justify murder , what i'm trying to say is that those that comit murder usualy commit it towards some end ( they do it for a reason or with reason ) people who commit murder for the sake of murder are seen as sick , people who commit murder for the sake of murder may be seen as lesss evil . I'm not trying to apeal to any law when I say this , you just have to use your common sense to understand that killing for killings sake is worse than killing for some purpose .

When you kill for a purpose it's not usualy because you have to  , e.g I wanted to take control of X land but the people in that land won't allow me to through diplomacy , therfore the only measure I can see enabling me to take control of the land is to kill everyone in it ( this is an extreme example) .killing is usualy the most extreme measure a person would take in any given situation to achieve a goal. Now this is not to say that killing for a purpose is in any way good , but it's no where are bad as killing for the sake of killing or raping for the sake of raping.

Your arguing that the laws of society don't neccaserily reflect what is right , that's ok because I don't apeal to the rules of society . Let's use what seems logical to us , our common sense to determine what is reasonable .

I say murder can be used to achieve some sort of constructive purpose ( maybe not a good one but something logical at least ) I can kill person X to save my family or kill person X to take his money .  I can't imagine that rape could be used as a means of achieving any constructive end , it is an act done for individual pleasure so it can't be a means to an end other than the pleasure of the individual , I can't rape X for any other reason than to hurt that person or to pleasure myself ... to ends both equaly distrubring.


I never said that killing was in anyway better than rape , they are both horrendus crimes . But we're talking about a game the glorifies the act of rape vs games that have killing as an element ( essentialy a small part of the overall experience) . If it was a matter of rape game vs killing game then i'd say censor the crap out of both , we shoudn't have games that glorify crime , it put's crime in a romantic , unrealistic , distrubring light.