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FreeTalkLive said:

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that  you think, ,.. ?




I think no game should ever be banned in the US.  For one thing, banning a game would go against the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution which limits the government so that it cannot ban free speech.  But more to the point, freedom is good.  Since a game cannot hurt anyone no one may claim to be harmed.  Since there is no harmed party, there should be no legal issue.



Your apealing to your law like it's absolute ( perfect , without flaw )  , I think this is a mistake many Americans make in justifying their actions and that of others . Firstly even your law doesn't alow complete freedom and recognises the need to restrict the freedoms of the individual to maintain social cohesion ( equality laws , criminal law , corporate law and regulation etc  ).

I think your saying there's no harm in it because your refusing to acknowledge a link betwen rape games and the act of rape ,yes the game itself or playing of the game hurts no one but we have to use foresight of consequences and intelligence in deciding whether it should be permissable or not.