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WereKitten said:
But the point is not why you kill in real life or how you feel when doing it in diverse circumstances. The point is why you _play games where you kill_.
We could debate endlessly about the justifications for murder or war, to say nothing of the Iraq wars. Luckily for us, we can avoid all of that word flailing because that would be completely off topic :)

Exactly like gamers like violence and powerplaying in games because everybody harbors deep down some violent desires that are kept at bay by our moral and the cultural superstructure we live in, so the same works for a rape game.
We can harbor more or less deeply some rape fantasies - ask any psychiatrist, they're perfectly normal in men _and_ women - and never act on them because of our own moral or the moral we've been taught.
By, for example, playing a game we can vent those deep pressures, escaping the watchdogs of our ego and superego because _we're not really acting on those pressures that we feel immoral_.

That's all it takes: recognizing the difference between a game and reality. Failing in doing so is psychopathic behavior. Indulging in fantasies in the private of your mind isn't, unless it affects your real life becoming an obsession.

So basically we're back to square one: we can policy what people do, not what people think. And gaming is all in the mind.


Well I think think killing is real life has relevance to our argument but i'll go on and respond to this .

Firstly your making the assumption that everyone or every gamer has the desire to kill some where inside them , my 4 year old brother plays heavenly sword and doesn't realy understand the concept of death or murder yet he still enjoys the gaming experience as I do , yes the girl is taking people's lives but there's so much more going on than that  The combat , her cool looking sword , her agility , acrobatics etc , the dialogue , storyline ; I'd argue that the killing was a very minor part of the overall experience , games which treat killing as a significant part or most of the experience Manhunt , GTA 4 are perceived as more evil ... I think these games need a level of censorship also.

In manhunt ( i've never played so i'm assuming ) killing is a huge part of the experience ,there's blood gore , murder and death is heavily emphasised . When something criminal is the end as opposed to the means ( "I killed my husband because he threatened me" ) there's usualy an element of mental sickness , malicous intent ( " I Killed my husband simply because I felt like it)

Playing games which involve killing or murder do not neccaserily come from a deeper , small desire to kill because like I said most killing in real life and even in games aim at an end other than the killing itself .Your assuming that we all have some kind of innate desire to murder( I certainly don't) which is held back by our morale values and ideas , this is untrue ; part of my morale system and many others is that harming other people is wrong so the desire to murder wouldn't preceed my morale beliefs .However they might come after e.g I believe that killing is wrong but some one murders my family and I then believe it is neccasery to murder the individual responsible , the desire to murder exists after I am put into that situation not beforehand.


Wheras people who play rape games are more likely to have the desire in them to commit rape , why else would a person play a game where rape is the goal ? it would be absurd to play a rape game to fulfil some kind of objective unrelated to rape ( rape that girl to save the world ) ... the gameplay mechanics centre around rape , the story line perfectly facilitates the gameplay mechanics , it would be pretty odd if some one played the game with no desire to commit rape.

Define : Desire -To wish or long for; want.

If some one wishes to ,longs for or desire to rape at any level i'd be pretty concerned about that person , rape is something within the capability of any abled body person and all it would take is the right kind of insparation for a person to manifest the desire to rape into an actual rape , morale values will only do so much for the person who has the desire to rape another ( that is having sex with some one without consent ) they'd need counseling and help to deal with this desire .

This is not to say that everyone who desires to rape will be pushed into a raping frenzy by this kind of game , but this is like food for the desire , it may nuture the desire to rape and anything like that should not be distributed at all .If we gave a gun to 60 million people with murderous intent it's almost certain that not every single one of them would commit murder but even if as few as 1% of that number ( a minority ) commit murder with that gun i'd say it was worthwhile denying the other 59 million the right to a gun.

The discussion should be whether or not we should prosecute people who import this kind of material not whether or not it's alright to distribute it.