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Do you really like her? By that, I actually mean her....the person....not the dances.

Based on what you said about your work hours, it almost sounds like it's been a while since you've had an opportunity like this and now that the chance is there, you're thinking about taking the risk.

I'm not sure where you work, but 10-12 hours a day seriously sounds like way too much - almost inhuman. If you have enough cash to spend for some dances and can't even date traditionally, you probably should think about how your work is affecting your love life. It could have a much more negative impact than you think. It's natural for everyone to wanna have that special someone in their life, but if you're unable to do so because of time issues, it could probably eventually put some stress on you. I think I partially understand why you visit this girl often.

Then again, I don't know you so I don't wanna comment too much or make any assumptions.

PSN: Parasitic_Link