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Tyrannical said:
I measure MS success by Sony fanboy tears. The more epic the meltdown, the better MS did.



Ahah so true! This is also why I hope that MS does NOT announce MGS4 for the 360, cause I don't think PS3 fanboys or anyone else would actually care that a two year old game makes it to the 360. Kingdom Heart 3, Versus XIII, or aquiring a studio from Sony would be a much bigger bomb then announcing MGS4




What I do hope for looks like DirtyP's list (which I copied here)

  • Alan Wake - Would be Awesome
  • Halo ODST - expected
  • Halo Wars DLC - probably
  • Forza 3 - expected
  • Splinter Cell Conviction - Would be Awesome
  • APB - Would be Awesome
  • Killer Instinct - probably
  • Another game made by Rare - probably
  • Lionhead game - - Would be Awesome
  • Bioshock2 - expected
  • Modern Warfare2 - expected
  • Some Casual games - expected

    Now add a few more "would be awesome" such as Crackdown 2, Lost Oddissey 2, and Blue Dragon 2, and MS would have one hell of an E3.. oh and did I mention Mass Effect 2 will probably be shown at E3 also?



    Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)