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NinjaKido said:
Donathos :

Rape games could be considered an art , but to consider them only art would be an incredibly absract approach. Rape games are an art inspired by real things , real events , emotions , ideas etc it's not something that we are unfarmiliar with .

I don't how the victim is affected is relevant in distinguishing between murder and rape , I think the mental element of the crime is more important.

Alot of the murder we see today isn't soley for the purpose of murder , most people do not get pleasure from murdering another person , they do it for the purpose of something else , they aim at an end which is essentialy unrelated to murder.

. E.g America waged war on Iraq for the defence of their country , they didn't wage war on Iraq for the sake of killing civillians (which did happen but is irrelevant) , killing the terrorists in iraq was a means to an end not the end itself.

So we can see that even though america is guilty of commiting mass murder there is some justification in the fact that they wern't doing it soley for the purpose of being mass muderers , there's a lowever level of accountability. That's not to say that they where right in what they were doing but it's certain they wern't as malicous as a America which aims to killed Iraqi civillians for the heck of it.

When a rapists abuses a person he doesn't do it for this or for that , usualy the rapists end is as the same as his means : to rape . You might say "well the rapist could rape the person who killed his family as revenge" you'd be correct in saying that this also aims at an end unrelated to rape , but why would you use sexualy pleasure yourself as a means of getting revenge , is it really noble or honourable to have intercourse with some one who killed your family ? It seems highly unnesacery ,you wouldn't penatrate some one you hated unless your desire for pleasure superseded your hate for the person.

Picture the man who shoots the man who killed his family in the head , he does it impersonaly ( no physical contact ) , he might experience alot of pain in the process ( unlike the rapist who experiences pleasure ) , there's no pleasure in it for him unless he enjoys killing ( in which case revenge for his family wouldn't be the only end ) if he enjoys killing then he's exactly like the rapist.

Even in games like GTA there's honour and nobleness of sorts , IIRC didn't Niko go to liberty city to kill the people who murdered his comrades ? .

Watching sexual content , playing sexualy interactive content stimulates sexual desire because it is a very visual thing . I can only imagine playing rape games would stimulate a different sort of sexual desire in a person , especialy if some one looks to play these kind of games .

I don't think the desire to kill can develop in some one even when they play killing games .you could kill a 100,000 people in GTA , I don't think it would make you any more likely to murder a person than if you hadn't , there are those who go off on killing sprees after playing violent games but I don't even think that provokes them to kill , it might give them inspirational ideas about how to kill but it wouldn't push them any closer to commiting the act.


The ultimate problem with your argument is that it relies solely on your subjective view on the said material being honorable, justified, etc just like the poster you replied to just said. Although you might look at Niko as a noble character, he's still pretty fucked up. *SPOILER* Remember when Niko was about to shoot/not shoot the traitor of his squad? He said something along the lines of "$1000?!" and the traitor replies "And how much do you charge?" *SPOILER* Niko has killed innocent people in required missions, and again you have the option of doing horrendous things that's not required.

And you see, just like the person you replied to said, it gets way too messy. People have to play through each game, and then come to a consesus.

AND EVEN IF, a majority, or hell, 99.99999% of the population believe that the material is sick, disugusting, etc in the United States we have a concept, despite our firm belief in Democracy, that the majority can not impede on the basic human rights of a minority. This includes the Freedom of Speech.

If we are to ban this game, think of the real world ramifications. We would have set a precedent, that if we believe that there is something that is so vile and horrible we have the right to ban it. That means that, just like the poster to which you replied to said, that the government can ban KKK marches, pornography, flag burning, anti-American things, and so forth. Where do we draw the line? We cannot, as it is completely subjective.

The difference between something along the lines of child pornography, and a rape game is that the rape games in question are created without the use and involvement of real victims. An increased demand and supply, will not result in more victims for the creation of the games, whereas child pornography that features real children (I just remembered a debate last year about lolicon, which is a even harder thing to defend and gross to think about) will, in the case of an increased supply and demand, result in more victims.

Now as for you saying that the rape games cause people to want to rape, as opposed to violence, I think is really strange logic. You said that rape games are a "visual" thing, and I only wonder what you think violent games are. You say that if you kill 10,000 people from personal experience you don't feel like killing someone. Now I know I never played a rape game, and I'm sure you didn't too, but I don't understand how we can conclude that violent video games don't cause real life violent urges based on anecdotal evidence, and conclude that rape games do, when we never played one.

Personally when I play GTA I want to kill virtual people. Otherwise why am I buying many T-M games that feature murder as gameplay (BTW I absolutely love Flower, which I play when I have only a few minutes)? I'm not going to bullshit and say that I wanted to play a noble hero. How many of you guys, reading this thread, played an evil character on Fable, Oblivion, KOTOR, etc? How many times have you tea bagged a person in Halo 3? Do you guys read, on the front of the box cover, that the hero is noble? How fun is it, to play a purely noble character? Even if you like playing tragic heros, they have an evil/flawed trait that result in their downfall. Do your movies always features a noble character that is good/overcomes their flaws? I watched Downfall that featured Hitler (after watching the Xbox clip =P), and it was absolutely amazing to see Hitler as a human being, without being stereotypically evil, and understanding the horrific nature of the human nature and the absurdity of the word "inhumane" in describing undesireable actions.

I don't have any guilt, nor desire to kill real people because I know that there's no actual harm being done.

Why can we conclude that people who play rape games want to rape real life people?

People who play violent video games want to kill virtual people. For the great majority of them, based on anecdotal evidence, don't want to kill real life people, nor gain a desire to kill real life people.

People who play rape games want to rape virtual people. For the great majority of them, based on anecdotal evidence, ???.

(I know this rant was poorly written =/ I don't want to waste my 5-10 minutes though)