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Sony Discussion - NOOOOOO - View Post

Staude said:
MAFKKA said:
Theres different types of VIKING. Like there's different types of kung fu styels. Swedish is more of a kick-ass-and-chew-bubble-gum-and-we're-all-out-of-gum-VIKING. While danish is more of a shit-faced-and-drunken-VIKING language.


what ? swedish isn't kick ass .. it's way too... vocal. You guys voices swing too much. Ours is more direct. Atleast where i'm at. Cause we are the Kings. Besides, were the only one of the three whose controlled all 3 nations at once :p¨¨


In either case i doubt were going to agree on it so instead of wasting time arguing let's just drop it. Besides i can already see i'd be horribly outnumbered. Would take too much time to produce a too inefficient result.

lol you guys seem so angry when you talk ;) Swedish people are calmer and the language reflects it :P

Anyway you find it annoying that I wrote to him in Swedish it wasn’t even directed to you and I don’t have IM. Hmm I find it annoying that people can’t stay on topic! There now we are even ;)


OT: I hope the problem gets resolved dude






    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(