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Nintendo's Wii lacks quality first-person shooters, aside from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Call of Duty: World At War. Thankfully, The Conduit may deliver an action adventure experience that's so good, it might turn into an A-list game.

Plot-wise, the game revolves around a conspiracy involving the government and an invading alien race, the Drudge. An organization known as the Trust, led by the mysterious Mr. Adams, hopes to investigate and subsequently save the world. Adams recruits a Secret Service specialist, Michael Ford, to come up with some answers. The game features solid voice acting, courtesy of Battlestar Galactica's Mark Sheppard (as Ford) and Hercules himself, Kevin Sorbo, as the helpful Prometheus. Don't groan, he doesn't sound as bad as you think.

Before walking through the tutorial, High Voltage explained how users can modify the controls. You simply enter the menu interface and map the buttons any way you see fit, across the triggers, d-pad and face buttons. For instance, if you prefer to zoom using the remote's minus button, have at it. You can also adjust aim sensitivity and movement, via a helpful on-screen grid.


In between shooting aliens, you'll take advantage of the All-Seeing Eye, or ASE for short, is like a high-powered alien flashlight. This lets you spot things that you cannot see with the naked eye, such as hidden alien messages that the ASE translates on the fly. Doing this is a nice change of pace from the non-stop action, although The Conduit has plenty of that to go around.

What's great about the ASE is how it provides quite possibly the best lighting effects we've yet seen in a Wii game. The ASE's beam shines through the room in real-time, bending off objects and growing larger as you move closer to the walls.

Upon completing the tutorial, we entered an abandoned airport where there's trouble at every turn, as soldiers are running about and ducking behind chairs and walls. Again, there's a serviceable amount of effort put into the graphics so you feel the effects of the gun battle, to the point you might not even remember you're playing a Wii game. Yes, it looks that good.

While we didn't get to experience multiplayer yet, reps from High Voltage let us know that the game supports online play through the Wi-Fi Connection, spreading across three modes (Capture the Flag, Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch) and supporting up to 16 players. Hopefully we'll see multiplayer in action very soon.

With the impeccable amount of detail and frenzied combat, The Conduit should heat up action hungry Wii players when it arrives this summer.