grimygunz said: PSP by far is just to easy to get pirated software. The PSP is marketed twards tech savvy gamers. and Tech savvy gamers are the gamers who know how to hack well. I have a PSP and didn't buy a game till 9 months after I got it cause I knew how to hack it even before I bought it. The only reason I bought any games was out of respect for certain devlopers. Valk profile, MGS:PO, R&C size matters, Jeanne D arc, GTA Vice city stories/ Liberty city, Tekken DR, loco roco, and killzone liberation are game i felt worth my cash. |
But shouldn't the 360 be aimed at a similar market? Yet while PSP software sales are awful, the 360s are fantastic. Is the 360 hack-proof or are the audiences for the 2 systems just that different? This is something I've wondered about for a while and was wondering if anyone had any theories.