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As i recall, in all the videogame related murders and crimes, the internet community cry that the game was of no effect to the criminal mind. But if a rapist is found with Rapelay on his pc, the game promotes sexual deviancy? Double Standards..


The game is about a sexual fetish, is for a specific japanese audience, the game itself informs you that it is not meant for installation outside japan, and you have to search for translation patches of warez to download a fully playable game. Hentai means "perverted" and the game gives you what it promises. I've played the game and the pedophilic (not the raping, as it is very strongly suggested that in some point the girls enjoy it. That does not sanitizes the rape, but it's a sex fantasy game. Pornographic movies exist with the same theme, especialy in japanese that are very hardcore and hard to watch.) aspect was disturbing, but lolicon culture that sexualizes little girls is not uncommon in japan. And in the end it is a game for the japanese. If no one made a point about it, (the game is quite old, only recent the controvercy spawned.) It would have been another obscure title.

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