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Sony Discussion - NOOOOOO - View Post

Aldro said:
Leonidus said:
Aldro said:
Leonidus said:
And thats another KZ2 Clan member gone

I rekon though that my 60GB is invincible



The delta squad leader will never be gone, Ill be back im just gonna be off field for a few weeks ;D


R you gona be able to get your PSN acc back, or are you gona create a new one?

NANANA mr Aldro is not that dumb.. I hope...




ah here it is online id : Aldro

etc etc etc

Yeah i got all info here XD Dont worry Squad leader aldro will be back soon :D


Well, Ive forgotten all my ID info such as password and D.O.B.

I rekon if my 60GB bites the dust, I'l have to create a new account. At least it'll have a wicked name.

Hell, I might need to get a new Acc anyway cause I have glitched on KZ2 before