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I want to tackle this "killing is allowed so why not rape" argument.

As PostModGuru said "How can one be more acceptable than the other when we can all agree that both are reprehensible?"

I think there are several reasons, and good ones, that this should be treated differently:

First, the victims. Murder victims are no longer around in order to be horrified/reminded/further traumatised by games involving killing. Rape victims are.

Second, justifications. There are scenarios where killing is accepted - in war for example, or in retribution. The fact that most games involving killing fall within one of the justifications tends to dull theimpact of killing in games. Not so for rape.

Third, the discrimination and social impact. Any of us could be killed. Rape is more targeted towards women. Any *anything* that encourages, leads to or simulates or represents objectification, demeaning, hatred, of any section of the population is bad *because* it does that - and bad in a way that universal crimes, ills and threats aren't. Killing doesn't (except, for example where it is racial killing), rape does.

So I don't think the killing v rape argument holds water. I'm not saying that - as crimes - one is worse than the other. I'm saying that - as representations having a social impact - one is worse than the other. in the same sort of way that a shooting game where you shot only [choose your section of society here] would be.