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^^ Be patient, in a few months a new Intel Core 2 Eon Mega HT MMX Quadro Hexic 64 processor will be announced. And then the price of a core i7 will drop remarkably. If you already have a pc sell it, add your savings buy a pc with a core i7 and a good PSU and buy some killer card. Upgrading a PC is like chess, think before you move, predict every single outcome, weigh your options carefully. Im sure you can survive without a core i7 for several months, by then core i7 should be really helps to sell old pcs when upgrading, helps keep costs down. Sell old rig + $200-$300 saving = good new rig.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine