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After seeing the bowling & pool "mini-games" in HOME, I was wondering if the Wii now "owns" several genres (for this generation anyway). What I mean by this, is that even the most awesome and polished game in this genre on a non-Wiimote controlled console will be skoffed at by everyone (not even considered in the same ballpark, and generally not purchased).

The most obvious example I can come up with is bowling (most of the Wii sports games?). Wii Sports is out there, so a lot of people have seen/played this bowling, and have a pretty good  idea of what it is about.

It may be possible to do something similar with the SIXAXIS?? Although it may feel rather odd(?). But on the 360 (for example), I can't see this happening.

So in short - the Wii will own the *entire* bowling genre for this generation (lawn bowls game anyone??).

Now this is a pretty small and niche genre - so it doesn't matter that much. What other genres could the Wii "own" in a similar fashion, and what genres will it never own (don't suit themselves to the Wiimote - actually play worse)?


Some potentials:

 +: Baseball, boxing, swordfighting, light-gun games, golf, tennis, cricket

-: soccer/football(?)

?? (unknown/unproven/either work fine): FPS, adventure, driving 


Gesta Non Verba

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